Red Dog Tavern Armageddon Sauce

Inlet, NY

Red Dog Tavern, Armageddon Sauce (5 fl. oz.)

An extremely hot sauce with a taste which is dominated by capsaicin extract. The flavours of natural chile peppers are drowned in the taste of the extract, so fast that one is really not sure if there was any chile flavour at all. Use this sauce only to add extra heat to your food, it will not contribute in any other positive way to the taste. One teaspoon of Armageddon Sauce will make one serving of any food hot, one tablespoon to one serving of food will make it very hot.

The world's hottest hot sauce? Probably Dave's Insanity Sauce, or his Insanity Private Reserve Edition from California. Once banned from the Fiery Foods Show after someone tasting it hyperventilated. Dave attends shows in a straitjacket; you must ask to taste his sauce– it is not offered. Other contenders: Mad Dog Inferno Hot Sauce from Massachusetts; Red Dog Tavern Armageddon Sauce from New York.

- by Mark Meredith NOU Online

Death Wish Recipe from Ted Klamm himself

Red Dog Tavern Armageddon Sauce Recipe By: Kit Anderson

Serving Size: 1

Preparation Time: 0:00

Categories: Hot & Spicy Hot Sauce

Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method

15 whole Habanero chile pepper stemed & not seeded

1/4 cup honey

4 cloves garlic

7 ounces bottle "Taste of Thai Chile Garlic Sauce"

Blend and eat. Be careful cleaning the blender.

- taken from

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